On 8/31/2011 12:41 PM, Nick Rosier wrote:
I'm using Postfixadmin to manage users and have server alias-domains.
All mail sent to an alias-domain is delivered to the other domain. Quite
easy if you've got postfixadmin already setup.

Otherwise I think you could configure virtual_alias_maps in postfix to
something like hash:virtual_domains

@example.net @example.com

It's been a while since I played with virtual_alias_maps, but does that allow Postfix to say "that account doesn't exist" during the initial SMTP transaction? We try to reject as much as possible during the SMTP session to avoid any later bounces. I remember that one of the ways of doing it was bad as Postfix would accept, then a later step (maybe the LDA) would say "whoops! can't deliver this".

So we do it one by one by creating a virtual mailbox under the primary domain (us...@example.com) and then doing a virtual alias under the secondary domain (us...@example.net -> us...@example.com).

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