On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 11:17:12AM +0100, Patrick Westenberg wrote:
> No. I want to know if dovecot writes to the indexes if it receives a
> mail via lmtp.

> Someone proposed to store the index files on a locally installed SSD
> on a frontend (imap) machine and stick the users to that machine but
> if the lmtp-service writes to the indexes (and I think he does),
> that machine needs access to the indexes too which will bring us
> back to shared storage.

Ah, then Timo's reply was right. He suggested you do the lmtp-deliveries
to the same server that you would send you imap-user to.  You can do this
trough dovecot director and lmtp-proxying.

So instead of:


you should use:


where would be the Dovecot LMTP proxy that proxies to the same
machine as you would use for imap for this particular recipient.


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