On 11/30/2011 2:36 PM, Terry Carmen wrote:
> I need to make the IMAP interface of an Exchange 2000 server available
> on the net, however I would like to give it a little protection, and
> believe Dovecot's IMAP proxy might be appropriate.
> Does anybody have a *really simple* config that would allow IMAP
> pass-through to a single Exchange server?
> The examples I've seen all assume some sort of load balancing, which
> isn't an issue here, so I'd like to eliminate the need for an
> unnecessary database server.
> Does Dovecot do any cleanup of the IMAP commands that would be useful in
> protecting Exchange (from this,
> http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2007-0221/ for example), or am I
> barking up the wrong tree?
> If Dovecot isn't helpful for this, can anybody point me to a better
> resource?

Look into the SM IMAP Proxy.  It was designed for a different purpose,
but may work well for your scenario:



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