On 01/26/2012 11:02 AM, Ed W wrote:

Sounds very cool. I already have dovecot set up as a proxy, working, and it should allow me to forcefully disconnect users and lock them out while they are being migrated and then once they are done they'll be served locally rather than proxied. My main problem is that most connections are simply coming directly to the old server, using the deprecated hostname. I need all clients to use the right hostnames, or clog up this new server with redirectors and proxies for all the junk done on the old server.. bummer.

Why not put the old server IP to redirect to the new machine, then give the old machine some new temp IP in order to proxy back to it? That way you can do the proxying on the dovecot machine, which as you already established is working ok?

Good luck

Ed W

Yeap, taht's what I'm doing to do, except that I would have to proxy more than just IMAP and POP - it's a one-does-it-all kind of machine accepting mail delivered from the outside, relaying outgoing mail, does webmail, does all this things very poorly... I have the choice of forcing all users to change to the new, dedicated servers doing these things, or reimplementing / porxying all of this on my new dovecot server which I so desperately want to keep neat and tidy...

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