On 01/26/2012 07:38 AM, Andrew Richards wrote:
On Thursday 26 January 2012 04:31:20 Gedalya wrote:
I'm facing the need to migrate from a proprietary IMAP server to
Dovecot. The migration must be as smooth and transparent as possible.
Ignoring the migration of individual mailboxes addressed in other replies, I
trust you've met Perdition - very useful for this sort of situation,

to provide an IMAP "Server" (actually proxy) that knows where the real
mailboxes are located, and directs connections accordingly. That way you can
migrate mailboxes one-by-one as you've migrated them, helpful to test a few
mailboxes first without affecting the bulk of users' mailboxes atall.


Sounds very cool. I already have dovecot set up as a proxy, working, and it should allow me to forcefully disconnect users and lock them out while they are being migrated and then once they are done they'll be served locally rather than proxied. My main problem is that most connections are simply coming directly to the old server, using the deprecated hostname. I need all clients to use the right hostnames, or clog up this new server with redirectors and proxies for all the junk done on the old server.. bummer.

What I might want to look into is actually setting up a proxy like this but on the evil (windows) server - to get *him* to pass on those requests he shouldn't be handling.

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