On 12.4.2012, at 15.10, Ed W wrote:

> On 12/04/2012 12:09, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> On 12.4.2012, at 13.58, Ed W wrote:
>>> The claim by ZFS/BTRFS authors and others is that data silently "bit rots" 
>>> on it's own. The claim is therefore that you can have a raid1 pair where 
>>> neither drive reports a hardware failure, but each gives you different data?
>> That's one reason why I planned on adding a checksum to each message in 
>> dbox. But I forgot to actually do that. I guess I could add it for new 
>> messages in some upcoming version. Then Dovecot could optionally verify the 
>> checksum before returning the message to client, and if it detects 
>> corruption perhaps automatically read it from some alternative location 
>> (e.g. if dsync replication is enabled ask from another replica). And Dovecot 
>> index files really should have had some small (8/16/32bit) checksums of 
>> stuff as well..
> I have to say - I haven't actually seen this happen... Do any of your big 
> mailstore contacts observe this, eg rackspace, etc?

I haven't heard. But then again people don't necessarily notice if it has.

> Things I might like to do *if* there were some suitable "checksums" available:
> - Use the checksum as some kind of guid either for the whole message, the 
> message minus the headers, or individual mime sections

Messages already have a GUID. And the rest of that is kind of done with the 
single instance storage stuff.. I was thinking of using SHA1 of the entire 
message with headers as the checksum, and save it into dbox metadata field. I 
also thought about checksumming the metadata fields as well, but that would 
need another checksum as the first one can have other uses as well besides 
verifying the message integrity.

> - Use the checksums to assist with replication speed/efficiency (dsync or 
> custom imap commands)

It would be of some use with dbox index rebuilding. I don't think it would help 
with dsync.

> - File RFCs for new imap features along the "lemonde" lines which allow 
> clients to have faster recovery from corrupted offline states...

Too much trouble, no one would implement it :)

> - Storage backends where emails are redundantly stored and might not ALL be 
> on a single server (find me the closest copy of email X) - derivations of 
> this might be interesting for compliance archiving of messages?
> - Fancy key-value storage backends might use checksums as part of the key 
> value (either for the whole or parts of the message)

GUID would work for these as well, without the possibility of a hash collision.

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