On 13.4.2012, at 15.17, Ed W wrote:

> On 13/04/2012 12:51, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>>> - Use the checksums to assist with replication speed/efficiency (dsync or 
>>> custom imap commands)
>> It would be of some use with dbox index rebuilding. I don't think it would 
>> help with dsync.
> ..
>>> - File RFCs for new imap features along the "lemonde" lines which allow 
>>> clients to have faster recovery from corrupted offline states...
>> Too much trouble, no one would implement it :)
> I presume you have seen that cyrus is working on various distributed options? 
>  Standardising this through imap might work if they also buy into it?

Probably more trouble than worth. I doubt anyone would want to run a 
cross-Dovecot/Cyrus cluster.

>>> - Storage backends where emails are redundantly stored and might not ALL be 
>>> on a single server (find me the closest copy of email X) - derivations of 
>>> this might be interesting for compliance archiving of messages?
>>> - Fancy key-value storage backends might use checksums as part of the key 
>>> value (either for the whole or parts of the message)
>> GUID would work for these as well, without the possibility of a hash 
>> collision.
> I was thinking that the win for key-value store as a backend is if you can 
> reduce the storage requirements or do better placement of the data (mail text 
> replicated widely, attachments stored on higher latency storage?).  Hence 
> whilst I don't see this being a win with current options, if it were done 
> then it would almost certainly be "per mime part", eg storing all large 
> attachments in one place and the rest of the message somewhere else, perhaps 
> with different redundancy levels per type
> OK, this is all completely pie in the sky.  Please don't build it!  All I 
> meant was that these are the kind of things that someone might one day desire 
> to do and hence they would have competing requirements for what to checksum...

That can almost be done already .. the attachments are saved and accessed via a 
lib-fs API. It wouldn't be difficult to write a backend for some key-value 
databases. So with about one day's coding you could already have Dovecot save 
all message attachments to a key-value db, and you can configure redundancy in 
the db's configs.

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