On 21.6.2012, at 21.05, email builder wrote:

> We are building a new system that will support a large number of users (high 
> volume, high concurrent usage, etc).  We have played with Dovecot, but in 
> most serious applications we have traditionally used Courier IMAP.  It's my 
> (lay) understanding that with indexing and perhaps other things in Dovecot, 
> it might perform better than Courier in larger environments like this.  Am I 
> correct or is it less clear-cut?

If you disable index index files in Dovecot, its performance should be slightly 
better than Courier. With index files the performance is typically much better 
in Dovecot, especially if you use a (non-caching) webmail.

> Any tips on making the migration (not migrating an existing system, I mean 
> migrating our paradigm - things to consider, things to watch out for)?

If you don't migrate any existing users, I guess this doesn't differ much from 
any other optimized Dovecot installation. Usually large installations (>1M 
users) use NetApp NFS + Dovecot director. You might also want to enable full 
text searches. http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PerformanceTuning lists some other 

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