On 22.6.2012, at 0.58, Michael M Slusarz wrote:

>> I think the conclusion is that imapproxy is not necessary.  There are some 
>> advantages (eg with high network latency between web and imap server, and 
>> reducing apparent login count), and some disadvantages (extra complexity, 
>> slowdown)
> Not entirely true.  See this thread:
> http://markmail.org/thread/z7ctwle2go6zafas
> Thread in short: imapproxy provides benefits for more MUAs that take 
> advantage of the XIMAPPROXY feature (only IMP, AFAIK), and Timo is/was 
> considering adding a similar state saving feature to Dovecot 2.2.

Well, I had completely forgotten about it :) Reading my old mail:

> There isn't a whole lot of state to be saved really. Mailbox GUID, 
> HIGHESTMODSEQ gives the mailbox state. Then you have the language/etc. states.
> Clients could restore their earlier state from days ago, as long as Dovecot
> still has the necessary .log records available (similar to how QRESYNC works).

Yeah .. Perhaps something like:

1. if client issues LOGOUT XSTATE

2. And server sees that it can actually save all of the state (some things are 
a bit tricky, and probably not worth the trouble in initial implementation)

3. Then the server server sends
* OK XSTATE <string>
* BYE 

4. The client can pipeline after LOGIN/AUTHENTICATE:
a OK Yeah!
a NO Not gonna work.

Perhaps even a real RFC for this thing? .. If it's worth it.. Would save at 
least a few X bytes from network traffic :)

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