On 17.7.2012, at 13.43, Joseba Torre wrote:

> I've almost finished my new director based setup, but in the first test I 
> discovered that imap and lmtp connections were not always being proxied to 
> the same server. After some research now I think that the main problem is 
> that in imap connections users connect as 'username' while lmtp connections 
> are as 'username@mailserver'.
> In my current setup I receive mail via SMTP in my director servers (which are 
> loadbalanced by a CISCO machine), and then they send them to dovecot running 
> on localhost. I've tried to get rid of the @mailserver in postfix in a 
> generic way with no success.
> Is there any way to redirect connections based only in the local part of the 
> address? Or there is a way to get rid of the @mailserver in the postfix -> 
> lmtp connection?

director_username_hash = %n

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