Thanks for pointing the right direction.

I have set
default_vsz_limit = 16M
and it works.

And a short question, possible i should make a new thread, but i think it's a little config issue from me.

Can i prevent dovecot from making new dirs?
Because i have one draft and one entwürfe dir, also one trash and one papierkorb. one german, one english. the dirs are always created new, after i delete them.

thanks and regards Michael

Am 21.07.2012 23:04, schrieb Daniel Parthey:
Michael Domann wrote:
Jul 20 20:17:15 imap: Error: dovecot/imap: error while loading shared 
libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot 
allocate memory
Jul 20 20:17:15 imap: Fatal: master: service(imap): child 22594 returned error 

Looks like a "out of memory" problem.

default_vsz_limit = 6 M

Maybe increase this value. On my Linux box it is set to 256M.
Possibly 6M is not enough?

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# free -m
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:         59512        52260         7252            0         2452
-/+ buffers:              49808         9704
Swap:       538608         8116       530492

You're almost running out of memory, used 50MB out of 60MB.

Try to temporarily disable other services on the box and
see the IMAP service runs smoothly?


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