Am 22.07.2012 17:23, schrieb Daniel Parthey:
> Michael Domann wrote:
>> Can i prevent dovecot from making new dirs?
>> Because i have one draft and one entwürfe dir, also one trash and
>> one papierkorb. one german, one english. the dirs are always created
>> new, after i delete them.
> Most probably, your mail clients are responsible for creating
> the folders via IMAP. Dovecot only performs the commands from
> your IMAP client, so this is rather a client issue.
> You will need to tell *all* your mail user agents and your
> mobile phone to use the same folders for the same purpose.
> Regards
> Daniel

you may "advice" mailclients if they support it


feature called IMAP SPECIAL-USE


Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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