On 26-10-12 20:47, Mike John wrote:
> On 2012-10-26 01:17, Mike John wrote:
>>> Hello, I am using dovecot (2.0.9) and using virtual users using passdb
>>> { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecotpasswd driver = passwd-file } How can i
>>> make my virtual users change their passwords using web interface ? My
>>> users already uses squirrelmail to access their mail. is there a
>>> program to add to squirrelmail to add this function to the clients ? or
>>> should i user different separate website for password changing ? and
>>> what program/tool can help me with this ? Any ideas is greatly
>>> appreciated. Mike. Mike,
>>> I don't know about forcing users to change their passwords however with
>>> Squirrelmail there are several password change plugins available that
>>> use "poppasswd" to actually c> ssword. Of course poppasswd will
>> probably need to be modified to go
>>> against your password data base, in my case it simply uses PAM. The
>>> version I> sion 1.8.5. Oh you probably want to restrict access to the
>> port from
>>> the local host only since pas
>> ansmitted in clear
>>> quot
>> e>Jeff
>> I know about poppassd , but it works only for /etc/passwd ,
>> /etc/shadow, but my dovecot virtual users password files
>> are in different location and i do not know how to modify poppassd, any
>> idea how can i do that? and is there another way other than poppassd?
> i have googled every where, i can not find how to modify poppassd to
> modify virtual users passwords at /etc/dovecot/passwords
> , Is there any other way ? i am sure that some one in this mailing list
> have virtual users and uses modified poppassd or other utils so that his
> clients can change their password

Using a database for managing virtual users seems overkill, until you
run into issues like this.

I have a postgres backend for 20ish users, and I can plugin everything I
want. Postfixadmin works geat, and there are many password plugins for
squirrelmail/roundcube/etc that work with such a database.

Disclaimer: I tried the file-based approach too, but kept building
kludges for things that were a lot simpler with a database. In the end,
I joined the dark side.


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