On 3.5.2013, at 22.40, Professa Dementia <profe...@dementianati.com> wrote:

> Be careful about adding features just for the sake of adding features. 
> Dovecot is already a powerful, but quite complex.  This would make it even 
> more complex and non-standard.  POP and IMAP clients do not expect this 
> behavior from the server.  Also, I have never heard anyone request this 
> feature.

Dovecot won't do that by default. And this feature was requested by a large 
customer of ours, so it is needed.. I was mainly wondering about details.

> Google is large enough that they are under scrutiny and have to obey EU 
> privacy laws.  However, adding this feature to Dovecot could put smaller 
> email operators in violation of those laws.  Not deleting emails when the 
> client says to, is effectively archiving, and data that is archived is 
> regulated by EU privacy laws. Lots of legal problems have arisen as a result 
> of this.

I'll add a comment to the setting that enabling it may violate (EU) privacy 

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