On Mon, 2013-05-06 at 15:39 +0200, Axel Luttgens wrote:

> Hmmm...
> Let's consider the RFC's part related to, for example, the TOP command:
>       If the POP3 server issues a positive response, then the
>       response given is multi-line.  After the initial +OK, the
>       POP3 server sends the headers of the message, the blank
>       line separating the headers from the body, and then the
>       number of lines of the indicated message's body, being
>       careful to byte-stuff the termination character (as with
>       all multi-line responses).
> So, no MUST keyword there.
> Would this mean that a server sending garbage after a positive response is a 
> compliant one?

Technically? Yes it would (doesn't mean it's right or wrong), RFC are
updated, if one disagrees with the wording, one is always welcome to
contact the author recommending a change.

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