On 5/10/2013 8:54 AM, Gilles Chauvin wrote:
On Friday 10 May 2013 08:17:50 Steve Campbell wrote:
Is there a way using dovecot facilities to block an IP from attempting
POP3 connections (similar to the sendmail access file for smtp
connections)? I usually do this at my border firewall, but if there's a
quick and dirty way in dovecot to do this, it'd make life a little simpler.

Hi Steve,

We've been using Fail2Ban on our mail proxies for a while without any

It may be what you're looking for.


But I believe fail2ban uses iptables, and I don't run a local firewall on the server. I'd prefer not to use a separate server to inject firewall rules on the border firewall. I might be wrong about fail2ban, though.

I was hoping there was a file for pop and imap in dovecot similar to the smtp "access" file in sendmail (which is what I use, BTW)


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