Le 2 août 2013 à 14:13, Timo Sirainen a écrit :

> I'd just do:
> 1) start quota-status service by e.g. connecting to it via telnet
> 2) gdb -p `pidof quota-status`
> b hook_mail_user_created
> cont
> 3) recipient=user
> 4) does it stop?.. if yes, keep hitting "s" to see if it goes to quota
> code.

To be sure, tried again, but still getting quite anarchistic behaviors, 
requiring some "luck" for retrieving useful info...
Could be a clang vs gdb thing; I also tried to compile the quota plugin without 
optimization in the hope to bring some consistency back, without much success. 

>> Still trying to have it provide me with some enlightening info, but if I may 
>> in the meantime paraphrase one of my initial questions on this thread:
>>       What makes doveadm-quota/lmtp and quota-status different?
> Not much..

This is what I was tempted to believe, until... ;-)

>> doveadm-quota and lmtp correctly understand my quota-related settings, and 
>> over-qauota users are handled as such.
>> On the other hand, quota-status always returns "action=OK" for any existing 
>> user, whether over-quota or not.
> I've no idea. Send your current doveconf -n and I'll see if I can
> reproduce the problem with it?

Thank you for your kind proposal; it would be such a relief, should you find 
something I'm overlooking.
I provided that info at the very beginning of the thread, but I may have 
changed one detail or another in the meantime; I'll thus send you my current 
config privately.

Best Regards,

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