On 2.8.2013, at 16.18, Axel Luttgens <axelluttg...@swing.be> wrote:

> Le 2 août 2013 à 14:13, Timo Sirainen a écrit :
>> I'd just do:
>> 1) start quota-status service by e.g. connecting to it via telnet
>> 2) gdb -p `pidof quota-status`
>> b hook_mail_user_created
>> cont
>> 3) recipient=user
>> 4) does it stop?.. if yes, keep hitting "s" to see if it goes to quota
>> code.
> To be sure, tried again, but still getting quite anarchistic behaviors, 
> requiring some "luck" for retrieving useful info...
> Could be a clang vs gdb thing; I also tried to compile the quota plugin 
> without optimization in the hope to bring some consistency back, without much 
> success. 

Optimization always makes things rather annoying. Especially with clang -O2 
makes it just about impossible for gdb to do anything useful. You'd probably 
need to disable optimization for lib-storage also, not just quota plugin.

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