Hello Benny,

Thanks for your response. Ingo looks promising to me as a sufficient
solution, but on the Ingo site one of the stated prerequisites is :

(start quote)

To function properly, Ingo *requires* the following:

A working Horde installation

Ingo runs within the Horde Application Framework
<http://www.horde.org/apps/horde>, a set of common tools for web
applications written in PHP. You must install Horde before installing Ingo.

(end quote)

So, if I can install Ingo without Horde as you say, I would be more then

Btw, my remark about the LDAP authentication with Squirrelmail being too
tricky to implement maybe wasn't described right. What I meant was it's
not worth the efforts installing all this, just to be able to manage
sieve filters from inside another program. I have installed Squirrelmail
for just being able to look now and then at my e-mail at public places,
I don't use it frequently.

Anyway, thanks for your little help. :-)


On 10/08/2013 07:24 AM, Benny Pedersen wrote:
> Wouter Berkepeis skrev den 2013-10-07 20:37:
>> Thanks for the tip. I had to disable ssl completely to finally login to
>> SmartSieve. But then I saw that the interface is 'crippled', it's
>> missing some parts. I don't know what is causing that, but I've had it
>> with SmartSieve for now. Which is a pity because it's the only
>> stand-alone (web)gui, as far as I know.
> ingo does not need full horde install, wake up :)
>> Looking for alternatives I already came across Ingo. But this is part of
>> the Horde suite and Horde is not part of Debian Wheezy.
> make a virtualbox with gentoo then where its supported :)
>> And I don't like
>> that I have to use a whole suite just for managing my sieve filter
>> settings.
> who sayed that ?
>> Another alternative maybe could be the Avelsieve plugin for
>> Squirrelmail.
> or roundcube ?
>> But with LDAP authentication I am using I also have to
>> install the LDAP backend plugin.
> nope, if you use webmail its done
>> It's becoming a bit too tricky for me,
> come on, you manage debian ?
>> and again, I have to use another program just to manage sieve.
> upto you, i just show you little help in solve it
>> So, I guess, maybe it's time to pick up my rusty programming skills and
>> create a gui myself....
> its opensource

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