On 8 Oct 2013 07:50, "Wouter Berkepeis" <wou...@private-lotus.org> wrote:
> Hello Benny,
> Thanks for your response. Ingo looks promising to me as a sufficient
> solution, but on the Ingo site one of the stated prerequisites is :
> (start quote)
> To function properly, Ingo *requires* the following:
> A working Horde installation
> Ingo runs within the Horde Application Framework
> <http://www.horde.org/apps/horde>, a set of common tools for web
> applications written in PHP. You must install Horde before installing
> (end quote)
> So, if I can install Ingo without Horde as you say, I would be more then
> happy.
> Btw, my remark about the LDAP authentication with Squirrelmail being too
> tricky to implement maybe wasn't described right. What I meant was it's
> not worth the efforts installing all this, just to be able to manage
> sieve filters from inside another program. I have installed Squirrelmail
> for just being able to look now and then at my e-mail at public places,
> I don't use it frequently.
> Anyway, thanks for your little help. :-)

A working horde installation is in this case the horde package.  If you
don't need to install webmail, address book, calendar, tasks, you don't
have to. Let alone the wiki, photo gallery, bookmark manager or ticket

Just install horde and Ingo and be done.

You may find it useful to install imp too -to take care of the
authentication, but you don't have to show it to the user.

And installing by pear couldn't be easier.  Why do you need a  debian


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