Hi Timo,

Am 08.11.2013 14:07, schrieb Timo Sirainen:
> I've never really wanted to create my own MTA, because I like Postfix
> quite a lot. And I always thought it would require a horribly lot of

...and there virtually nothing which could not be built with Postfix.
Maybe a Postfix addon/proxy for easier integration of Dovecot would
help. If I need a very fast MTA for e.g. a Raspberry based mail system I
would prefer qmail as MTA.

> My main design goals for the MTA are:
hmm - I consider still to use Postfix as MTA, because it is a nightmare
to replace all those MTA monitoring tools, log analyzer and other
support tools. Did you asked Wietse for those improvements in Postfix?

> So perhaps something like this could be done in time for Dovecot
> v2.4. Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions?

To the risk to become off topic:

Please consider to add server side private/public key encryption for
incoming mails. If client logs on, the password is used to unlock users
server side private key. If mail arrives from MTA or any other source,
mail is encrypted with users public key. Key pair should be located in
LDAP or SQL server. PGP and S/MIME should be supported.
This is for the situation if NSA or other organizations asks admin for
users mail insistently, see http://xkcd.com/538/

A much better solution would be to improve IMAP protocol to allow user
to use his client certificate not only for authentication on IMAP server
but decrypt his mails also. Dovecot needs only public key and client
does decryption.

This should not replace end-to-end encryption provided by enigmail etc.


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