On 11/12/13, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> tell that Noel which is blocking my messages and so did
> not read what i quoted from Benny's trolling but opens
> his mouth
> tell that Noel which is abusing his power by set complete
> IP-ranges on RBL lists he maintains because he does not
> like one person using a mailserver on that range besides
> many other people

Let us see

Posfix list  - BANNED
Roundcube List - MODERATED
Centos List - MODERATED (maybe banned)
Fedora list - 1/ MODERATED
                  - 2/ Had hissy fit temper tantrum with moderators a
few days ago about his continual moderation and claimed was quitting
fedora list.

Likely has resubscribed to Fedora (if indeed even did quit), like on
Postfix under a li...@rhsoft.net address or something similar

and thats only the ones *I* know about.

So, your in a blacklist as well? wouldnt have anything to do with your
actions pretty much everywhere would it now,
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, of course not.

Taking into account all of the above, I think its fair to say, its
more than one person that doesn't like your foul mouthed antics, which
was explained to you many times by fedora moderators, trying to get
you to change, all you had to do, and they would remove moderation,
but you refused, so you deserve it, no one else to blame but yourself


>>> blocked using
>>>  bl.alt-backspace.org; This range is used by caustic Internet troll
>>> Harald
>>>  Reindl h.rei...@thelounge.net / ACCESS DENIED - see
>>> http://www.alt-backspace.org/usage.php#misc (in reply to RCPT TO
>>> command)

Awesome!  Thanks for that, I have just enabled bl.alt-backspace.org on
our company servers


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