On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:03:09 +0200
Patrick De Zordo <patr...@spamreducer.eu> wrote:

> Don't use self signed certs! - Buy some, or use free services! Your 
> reputation will grow!

I am sorry, but someone _has_ to say it: if anyone really thinks that a south
african or US entity selling certs is the way to "grow your reputation" this
alone should tell you that the whole thing is nothing but a bogus _business_.
It has zero to do with security or the like. It is a _business_ and it should
be obvious that you will only be lied by the corresponding entity if something
bad happened (probably for years). Look at the diginotar story and _learn_.

The only way to make certs worth using again is to create a way every client
can verify a self-signed certificate by some kind of dns pointer inside the
questionable domain and/or the certificate.

You cannot prove the correctness of a third party entity, and that's why there
is no reputation at all. 

> Cheers!

Yes, have a beer...


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