On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:49:37 +0200 Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 28.07.2014 22:40, schrieb Peter Chiochetti:
> > Am 2014-07-28 um 21:15 schrieb Reindl Harald:
> >> Am 28.07.2014 20:57, schrieb Rick Romero:
> >>>> Am 28.07.2014 19:58, schrieb Juan Pablo:
> >>>>> The reason I am wanting to do this is I would like to know if people
> >>>>> are getting their email on personal devices
> >>>>> instead of work secured / standardized phones
> >>>
> >>> IMHO, client certificates would work work well here.  I think Dovecot
> >>> supports it
> >>
> >> yes, but you accept them or not
> >> that's a different story than "log the MUA information"
> > 
> > Yes, it is a means to stop people from using insecure devices.
> a client certificate hadrly makes a device secure
> if the device is compromised your cert is gone
> > So possibly a useful hint the OP may be interested in! Might well be that 
> > its the reason for learning which MUA was used?
> well, "what client is used" is impossible
> there is no user-agent like HTTP and even for HTTP the header is not
> mandatory and rqeuire it will break your web-app for anybody who cares
> for privacy while gain nothing

Not in general: 

cyrus/imaps[9143]: client id: "name" "Thunderbird" "version" "24.6.0"

I guess, dovecot simply must learn it.

--Frank Elsner

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