On 10/02/2014 02:40 AM, Remko Lodder wrote:
> and a mail_replica = tcp:host{a,b}:12346 configuration on each host so that 
> they are pointing to eachother; This seems to work fine for most accounts, 
> for example: I never experienced issues with this. However, several other 
> accounts (with a large variety of clients) got duplicated emails. Looking 
> with doveadm I only noticed that the numbers of the messages are closely 
> related to eachother but one number incremented. So they cannot be deleted 
> with the deduplicator function.
> The replication is provided over TCP only, the connection streams over an 
> OpenVPN tunnel so that the contents are protected, the machines are located 
> in different Datacenters but close to eachother.
> How can I determine why there are duplicated emails?
> What kind of messages should I specifically look for?
Look for any errors and warnings in the Dovecot log. You could also enable 
mail_debug (ref.
http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Logging#Logging_verbosity) for the accounts being 
synced. Also, please post your complete configuration.

> Can I set this up for a few selected accounts instead of all accounts like it 
> was currently? To make sure I do not make things worse for others then needs 
> to be :-)
> The service had been disabled for the time being to prevent the other users 
> from getting duplicated emails.
I do not know what kind of userdb you are running, but there is a newish patch 
that enables per user replication via the
mail_replica setting. It is not yet included in the newest (2.2.13) release of 
Dovecot, but is available via the enterprise
version. There are no FreeBSD builds for that, though. ref: 

Teemu Huovila

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