I find it extremely interesting that no one has commented on the merger of Dovecot Oy and Open-Xchange AG as announced by Timo on the 19th. Is this something that was known a long time ago and I missed? OK checked the on-line archive of the mailing list, no comments there - its not my email set-up - LOL. I am usually emotionally (at least) against of open-source projects loosing their independence to large corporations. Possibly due to bad experiences in the past when OSS were driven from Open to Obscure in the process of trying to make money out of them. I have several examples in mind but I will not give names. At least that is the impression I have which might be entirely wrong since when big companies begin to ask for large sums of money we just have to move away due to the small budget. Anyway this is not to about judging the move. Which I cannot do since I have no knowledge whatsover of the Dovecot enterprise internals and the difficulties that come with managing a leading software product. And, secondly, since I am (my employer ie) a non paying customer!!
I was just struck by the fact that no one has commented on it.

I wish Dovecot the best in the new environment.


On 19/03/15 12:26, Timo Sirainen wrote:
Hi all,

Today I can finally announce that Dovecot Oy company has merged with 
Open-Xchange AG. This helps us to get more Dovecot developers, support people 
and so on. Most importantly, eventually it should allow me to get back to doing 
what I like the most: Designing new and interesting stuff for Dovecot and 
perfecting the old stuff :) OX is a great match to Dovecot going forward. They 
also really like open source and share our plans for the future. Nothing big 
will change as a result of this merger: Dovecot will stay Dovecot with its own 
name and release schedules. We're not going to force OX and Dovecot to be the 
same product, other than having a somewhat deeper integration between them.

Here are the press release links about it:

Andreas Kasenides
Senior IT Officer
Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Cyprus
Tel: 22892714, Fax: 22892701

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