Nowadays the LIST reference parameter really shouldn't be anything except 
empty. It's always IMAP server specific how the parameter is handled.

> On 19 Apr 2017, at 19.38, Matthew Broadhead <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Geronimo JavaMail hard defaults to / separator.  If the separator is manually 
> set to undefined it automatically calculates the separator correctly.
> However neither through JavaMail or by command line does
> LIST "." "*"
> or
> LIST . "*"
> produce any root listing of default folder on my Dovecot installation.
> Only
> LIST "" "*"
> produces a listing.
> Could there be something else wrong in the configuration to cause this?
> Matthew
> On 19/04/2017 15:29, Michael Slusarz wrote:
>> "A non-empty reference name argument is the name of a mailbox or a level of 
>> mailbox hierarchy, and indicates the context in which the mailbox name is 
>> interpreted."
>> If Dovecot is using "." as the separator in the base level of hierarchy, 
>> then it correctly is returning nothing for 'LIST / "*"' - since no mailboxes 
>> in Dovecot live under that base level of hierarchy.
>> Gmail returns data because it is using "/" as a separator.
>> If you want Dovecot to return LIST entries for 'LIST "/" "*"', then 
>> configure the base namespace to use "/" as a separator.  Of course then 
>> 'LIST "." "*"' would return nothing...
>> michael
>>> On April 18, 2017 at 2:38 AM Matthew Broadhead 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Michael.  I have forwarded that link to the Geronimo JavaMail
>>> team in case they think of anything their end.
>>> But in the documentation you sent it seems that Dovecot should respond
>>> in the case of
>>> LIST / "*"
>>> if my understanding is correct
>>> Is there any way to adjust this behaviour in the settings?  I am
>>> struggling to search for a solution to the problem given the limited
>>> information.
>>> On 18/04/2017 05:46, Michael Slusarz wrote:
>>>> You probably want to read the description of "reference name argument" to 
>>>> understand what is happening here.
>>>> michael
>>>>> On April 17, 2017 at 8:33 AM Matthew Broadhead 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> i am using dovecot-2.2.10-7.el7.x86_64 on
>>>>> centos-release-7-3.1611.el7.centos.x86_64.
>>>>> if i follow this tutorial
>>>>> i can login to my server and successfully list the folders using
>>>>> tag LIST "" "*"
>>>>> *   LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." INBOX
>>>>> tag OK List completed.
>>>>> no folders are listed using
>>>>> tag LIST / "*"
>>>>> tag OK List completed.
>>>>> when i request a folder listing using JavaMail it similarly sends the
>>>>> following command and no folders are listed
>>>>> a97 LIST / "*"
>>>>> a97 OK List completed.
>>>>> if i follow the tutorial again and use my gmail account instead of my
>>>>> dovecot installation i can successfully list folders using both methods
>>>>> tag LIST / "*"
>>>>> *   LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "youtube"
>>>>> tag OK List completed.
>>>>> is there some way to make dovecot list folders when it receives the 
>>>>> command
>>>>> LIST / "*"
>>>>> i note that in the listings my dovecot installation has "." in the
>>>>> middle and gmail has a "/"

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