On Wednesday 16 August 2017 07:34:25 Steffen Kaiser wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Aug 2017, Matt Bryant wrote:
> > hmm if message cannot be written to disk surely it remains on mda queue
> > as not delviered and does not just disappear ? or am i reading this
> > wrong ?!
> as Matt writes your MDA (aka dovecot-lda) returns with an exit code != 0
> and your MTA should queue the message for later re-delivery.
> IMHO, you should look there, if you call dovecot-lda correctly.

You might be perfectly right here and to make it
more complicated I forgot to tell you that procmail
is also involved. I did debug a bit though and
lda-deliver will return the proper return code 75

my .maildelivery files contains the recommended (?)

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75"

And the procamail recipe has:

| deliver -d $ LOGNAME -m inbox

As the action (just one example).

But still my postfix thinks the message is properly
delivered at a read/write error in the mailstore ???

But this seems to be a postfix configuration problem instead of
a dovecot one so sorry for choosing the wrong group.


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