Dovecot seems to load certificates into memory and don't refresh them
until restart, or may be reload. And this is a correct logic. You
better add restart/reload task to the LE cron job after the successful
renewal of LE certificate.
Check that it really works as it should.
Dovecot shouldn't be restarted/reloaded if certificate wasn't changed.

2017-09-08 17:47 GMT+05:00 @lbutlr <>:
> So this morning at 4am I was awoken to my mail clients getting certificate 
> errors for an expired certificate.
> I hopped on to the server and checked and… no, the LE certs renewed last 
> month and are valid until November.
> After some moments of confusion I noticed that dovecot had been running since 
> before the renewal, so I did a quick service dovecot restart which fixed 
> everything.
> Should dovecot check for certs being refreshed? Or is this an artifact of my 
> using symbolic links everywhere to point to the newest LE certs (which are 
> themselves links the dehydrate script creates to point to the newest 
> cert-1502534746.csr etc files?
> Should I just create a monthly cron to restart dovecot or is there something 
> else?
> --
> Apple broke AppleScripting signatures in, so no random signatures.

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