On 20.11.2017 16:20, Jeff Kletsky wrote:
> On 11/20/17 6:15 AM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
>> On 20.11.2017 16:12, Jeff Kletsky wrote:
>>> I'm in the process of moving from LDA to LMTP (Postfix upstream) prior
>>> to a transition off `nix accounts to virtual accounts and am stumped
>>> by LMTP reporting
>>>      dovecot: lmtp(10019, j...@example.com): Error: Relative home
>>> directory paths not supported: 0
>>> LDA does /not /have any problems with PAM or passwd-file passdb/userdb
>>> and the ubiquitous definition of
>>>      mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
>>> I have yet to be able to get LMTP to deliver mail, nor have I found
>>> anything on the Dovecot wiki to describe how to represent that the
>>> mail_location is <whatever/userdb/returned/for/home>/Maildir
>>> I'd prefer to localize the user-to-file-space mapping localized to
>>> Dovecot (rather than split within Postfix and Dovecot)
>>> I'd definitely appreciate any pointers to web pages or specific
>>> suggestions as to how to resolve this.
>>> Excerpts of Dovecot local.conf follow, full doveconf -n output on
>>> request. The/users /file is in the same format as FreeBSD
>>> /etc/master.passwd with name, password, UID, gid, home_dir, and shell
>>> meaningfully populated. The configuration below works with LDA
>>> (end-to-end). With LMTP, it identifies <j...@example.com> as a valid
>>> destination, but fails on delivery with the "relative home directory
>>> paths" error message.
>>> passdb {
>>>    driver = passwd-file
>>>    args = /path/to/users
>>> }
>>> userdb {
>>>    driver = passwd-file
>>>    args = username_format=%n /path/to/users
>>> }
>>> # See http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailLocation/Maildir
>>> # https://wiki.dovecot.org/VirtualUsers/Home
>>> mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
>>> # mail_location = maildir:%h/Maildir:LAYOUT=fs
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jeff
>> That seems like lmtp is not doing variable expansion for user settings.
>> What version of dovecot are you running?
>> Aki
> $ sudo jexec mail dovecot --version
> 2.2.32 (dfbe293d4)
> Jeff

I tried to repeat this issue locally, and was not able to. Can you
provide full output of

doveconf -n


doveadm user j...@example.com

with both %h and ~/


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