Im sure because dovecot from server A takes the email from the MTA and
proxies it to the dovecot on server B that doesnt have an MTA.

On 4 Dec 2017 10:54, "Stephan Bosch" <> wrote:

> Op 1-12-2017 om 15:30 schreef Tomislav Perisic:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for replying.
>> initially logging was done via syslog, and the custom log file for mail.*
>> facility was /var/log/maillog. Everything was logged normally (dovecot
>> login logouts, sieve scripts, extra debugging lines) but nothing regarding
>> LMTP. I would receive the email in my inbox but I wouldnt be able to see
>> anything in the logs regarding this. After that i turned off syslog and
>> used the direct dovecot logging to a separate file. Again, it was logging
>> everything except of LMTP (mail debug is turned on).
>> Does anyone have a working configuration regarding this that they don't
>> have a problem with LMTP logging? If yes could you please send me your
>> config and dovecot version to compare.
>> Or if anyone has any other ideas.
> Are you sure Dovecot LMTP  is even being used? Your MTA may be delivering
> messages directly, without involving Dovecot. Check the MTA logs.
> Regards,
> Stephan.
> Thank you.
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Stephan Bosch < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>     Op 25-11-2017 om 13:00 schreef Tomislav Perisic:
>>         Does anyone have any idea regarding this?
>>         On 17 Nov 2017 11:36, "Tomislav Perisic"
>>         < <>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         We have 2 servers, server A and server B.
>>         Server A has:
>>         Postfix
>>         dovecot-
>>         Server B has:
>>         dovecot-
>>         dovecot-pigeonhole-
>>         Server A receives email on postfix, dovecot then takes that
>>         email from
>>         postfix and proxies it to Server B Dovecot. Dovecot on Server
>>         B takes the
>>         proxied email and delivers it with lmtp to the user inboxes.
>>         The problem is that the dovecot on server B Doesn't log
>>         anything regarding
>>         the emails that are being delivered to the mailbox via lmtp.
>>         Dovecot on server A logs everything perfectly regarding the
>>         proxy, so my
>>         assumption is that there is an issue with Dovecot lmtp
>>         logging. We changed
>>         the logging from syslog directly to a file and we noticed the
>>         same problem,
>>         missing log entries.
>>         We also tried turning on verbose logging and it didn't help.
>>     Are you sure you're looking in the right place?
>>     You can find out where logs are written using `doveadm log find`.
>>     Especially with mail_debug enabled, you should see a lot of log
>>     messages for an LMTP delivery.
>>     Regards,
>>     Stephan.
>>         Server B:
>>         Red Hat  6.7 x86_64
>>         rpm -qa | grep dove
>>         dovecot-
>>         dovecot-pigeonhole-
>>         doveconf -n
>>         # <>: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
>>         # Pigeonhole version 0.4.21
>>         auth_cache_negative_ttl = 0
>>         auth_debug = yes
>>         auth_debug_passwords = yes
>>         auth_verbose = yes
>>         listen = *
>>         mail_debug = yes
>>         mail_gid = mail
>>         mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
>>         mail_plugins = " quota zlib"
>>         mail_uid = vmail
>>         managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
>>         namespace inbox {
>>            inbox = yes
>>            location =
>>            mailbox Drafts {
>>              auto = subscribe
>>              special_use = \Drafts
>>            }
>>            mailbox Sent {
>>              auto = subscribe
>>              special_use = \Sent
>>            }
>>            mailbox Spam {
>>              auto = subscribe
>>              special_use = \Junk
>>            }
>>            mailbox Trash {
>>              auto = subscribe
>>              special_use = \Trash
>>            }
>>            mailbox Virus {
>>              auto = subscribe
>>            }
>>         plugin {
>>            quota = maildir:User quota
>>            sieve_extensions = +editheader
>>            sieve_max_actions = 32
>>            sieve_max_redirects = 4
>>            sieve_max_script_size = 1M
>>            sieve_quota_max_scripts = 0
>>            sieve_trace_debug = yes
>>            sieve_trace_level = matching
>>            sieve_vacation_dont_check_recipient = yes
>>            sieve_vacation_send_from_recipient = yes
>>            sieve_vacation_use_original_recipient = yes
>>            zlib_save = gz
>>            zlib_save_level = 6
>>         }
>>         protocols = imap pop3 lmtp sieve
>>         service auth {
>>            unix_listener auth-userdb {
>>              group = mail
>>              mode = 0666
>>              user = vmail
>>            }
>>         }
>>         service lmtp {
>>            inet_listener lmtp {
>>              port = xx
>>            }
>>         }
>>         service managesieve-login {
>>            inet_listener sieve {
>>              port = xx
>>            }
>>            service_count = 1
>>         }
>>         protocol lmtp {
>>            mail_plugins = " quota zlib sieve mail_log notify"
>>         }
>>         protocol imap {
>>            mail_plugins = " quota zlib imap_quota imap_zlib"
>>         }
>>         protocol sieve {
>>            managesieve_implementation_string = dovecot
>>            managesieve_logout_format = bytes ( in=%i : out=%o )
>>            managesieve_max_line_length = 65536
>>            managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
>>         encoded-character
>>         vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational
>>         regex imap4flags
>>         copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date ihave
>>         }

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