> On 5 Feb 2018, at 17:32, Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@dovecot.fi 
> <mailto:aki.tu...@dovecot.fi>> wrote:
>> On February 5, 2018 at 6:16 PM Gabriel Kaufmann <maili...@typoworx.com 
>> <mailto:maili...@typoworx.com>> wrote:
>> Doesn't anyone have an idea?
>> It looks like Dovecot and/or Thunderbird simply "ignore" sub-folders of
>> IMAP-Folder in Trash/ as they are also not shown in Trash-Folder.
>> Sub-Folder for INBOX and other IMAP-Folders work perfect (using
>> layout=fs Mailbox).
>> Why doesn't this work for Trash?
>> Best regards
>> Gabriel Kaufmann
> Can you try running this as root and provide output?
> doveadm -Dv -o mail_debug=yes mailbox delete -u username Trash/Somefolder
> Aki

I had the same with Mac Mail.app. I decided to rm -rf the sdbox file on the 
master and replica and I won.
It was persistant though and I think it had to do with the following:

I let my mail deliver in yearboxes, which have many many subfolders, some are 
just “placeholders”. They appear different in the view.
Regular mailboxes are “dark” in colors, placeholder boxes are “white” in colors 
(see attachment), where winkels is the “placeholder” folder and “action” is the 
regular mailbox in which mail gets delivered.

I could not get rid of those “winkels” kind of folders”. Only by force removing 
them from the filesystem hierarchie.

Hope this helps a bit :)


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