We have the same problem, with a twist. When Thunderbird deletes a folder, it 
is still shown by the GUI. Dovecot deleted the folder correctly, and the 
sunscriptions file is also correct. Some other times, on shared folders, 
Thunderbird refuses to delete; in this case, apple mail on iphone can delete 
successfully. This suggests that the problem is in Thunderbird's code.


On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 21:55, Remko Lodder <re...@freebsd.org> wrote:

>> On 5 Feb 2018, at 17:32, Aki Tuomi <aki.tu...@dovecot.fi> wrote:
>>> On February 5, 2018 at 6:16 PM Gabriel Kaufmann <maili...@typoworx.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Doesn't anyone have an idea?
>>> It looks like Dovecot and/or Thunderbird simply "ignore" sub-folders of
>>> IMAP-Folder in Trash/ as they are also not shown in Trash-Folder.
>>> Sub-Folder for INBOX and other IMAP-Folders work perfect (using
>>> layout=fs Mailbox).
>>> Why doesn't this work for Trash?
>>> Best regards
>>> Gabriel Kaufmann
>> Can you try running this as root and provide output?
>> doveadm -Dv -o mail_debug=yes mailbox delete -u username Trash/Somefolder
>> Aki
> I had the same with Mac Mail.app. I decided to rm -rf the sdbox file on the 
> master and replica and I won.
> It was persistant though and I think it had to do with the following:
> I let my mail deliver in yearboxes, which have many many subfolders, some are 
> just "placeholders". They appear different in the view.
> Regular mailboxes are "dark" in colors, placeholder boxes are "white" in 
> colors (see attachment), where winkels is the "placeholder" folder and 
> "action" is the regular mailbox in which mail gets delivered.
> I could not get rid of those "winkels" kind of folders". Only by force 
> removing them from the filesystem hierarchie.
> Hope this helps a bit :)
> Cheers
> Remko

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