> On 31 Dec 2018, at 19.28, Pierluigi Frullani <pierluigi.frull...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Answer inline.
> On Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 12:59 PM James <l...@xdrv.co.uk 
> <mailto:l...@xdrv.co.uk>> wrote:
> On 29/12/2018 13:49, Pierluigi Frullani wrote:
> > My version is 2.2.13 ( it was the last one, at the time of the first
> > server setup ).
> 2.2.13 is from around May 2014.  It worked but I can't see why you 
> wouldn't switch to the latest 2.3.4. (You might be seeing what I can't 
> and your question hasn't explained.)
> That's the date for installation. I was using the courier-imap and switched 
> to dovecot. 
> Not changed since then. 
> > I have seen that ( it seems ) the new solaris don't honour the
> I'm sure it does but you shouldn't need it anyway.
> Believe me, it doesn't :( 

Believe me it does. I used to work for Sun Microsystems for 14 years in Solaris 
support and sustaining and I can guarantee you that it does.

You problem is that Solaris has concept of Secure Runtime Linker, and for 
trusted applications most of LD_CONFIG and LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ignored for 
security reasons.

For secure applications LD_LIBRARY_PATH components are ignored for non-secure 

Your dovecot is probably setuid or setgid and considered as secure application 
and secure runtime linker rules are triggered for it. Then /usr/local is 
completely ignored from LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


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