On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 7:26 PM Sami Ketola <sami.ket...@open-xchange.com>

> Believe me it does. I used to work for Sun Microsystems for 14 years in
> Solaris support and sustaining and I can guarantee you that it does.
> You problem is that Solaris has concept of Secure Runtime Linker, and for
> trusted applications most of LD_CONFIG and LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ignored for
> security reasons.
> For secure applications LD_LIBRARY_PATH components are ignored for
> non-secure directories.
> Your dovecot is probably setuid or setgid and considered as secure
> application and secure runtime linker rules are triggered for it. Then
> /usr/local is completely ignored from LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

That's rather strange.
I too work with solaris ( and for sun in the past ) from sunos 4.1 onwards.

I had this previous installation working, with LD_LIBRARY_PATH configured,
on solaris 10 u8 since 2014.

During this relativelly calm period I did a LiveUpgrade to latest solaris
10 ( u11 ) and the only application that stopped working is dovecot.
This mean that ( obviously ) solaris changed something on security.
No binary is setuid or setgid in dovecot dir:

ls -l /usr/local/dovecot/sbin/dovecot
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root      259452 Dec 29 14:59

root@puma find . -perm 4000
root@puma find . -perm 2000
root@puma find . -perm 1000

but yes, I agree that eventually the SRL stuffs could make them job.
Probably is not tied to the setuid/setgid but with the fork of a binary
from inside another one with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in use.
Thus the option is ( could be ) to use the R[UN]PATH feature or the wrapper
with the new LD_LIBRARY_PATH ( as I'm doing now altough less secure ) or
recompile with the -R option passed to linker, as suggested by James ( and
verified to be working at least with the "dump" ).

Thanks to all

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