On Aug 8, 2019, at 12:52 PM, Reio Remma via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> I have the autoexpunge settings defined inside protocol imap thus (and it 
> works):

It looks like my definitions are outside the protocol, as this is the default 
in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf...

MUST autoexpunge be declared within the imap protocol, even if the mailboxes 
themselves are declared outside of the protocol?  Should the mailboxes be 
declared only within the protocol?

Can I declare autoexpunge for the mailboxes within the imap protocol in 
20-imap.conf while leaving the main mailbox declarations in 15-mailboxes.conf?  
That is, will the settings "stack" or can mailbox definitions occur only in one 

If autoexpunge can only be declared within the imap protocol -- folks who 
access email only through POP (and who never see Junk/Trash) will not have 
things auto-expunged.  The Junk mailbox, in particular, is auto-populated by 
spamassassin via procmail so it will have messages even if the user never sees 
them... so it needs to be autoexpunged even if the user never logs in via imap.

IMHO the setting should apply regardless of protocol, but is that actually the 
case in practice?


--- Amir

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