> On 20/10/2022 22:00 EEST Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:
> Aki Tuomi said on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 21:41:53 +0300 (EEST)
> >Most small/medium servers do not need director. You can use replicator
> >get a pri/bu pair.
> I've never needed to use replicator. I don't even know what a pri/bu
> pair is. I just have fetchmail feed to procmail which delivers messages
> into my Dovecot maildir, and then access the Dovecot IMAP server with
> an email client. Hopefully I'll be able to continue doing it this way.
> >
> >Only the director part is being removed, rest of Dovecot remains. For
> >the next major release we are also removing certain deprecated parts
> >that have a replacement in elsewhere of the code.
> Is there a document on the deprecations and their replacements? I'd
> like to read it.
> >
> >The mail server functionality is going to remain 100% open source and
> >free.
> The preceding sentence is a huge relief for me. Thanks!
> SteveT


This is subject to change, as we have not actually released this version yet. 


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