On 11/26/2023 13:09:46, Benny Pedersen wrote:
joe a skrev den 2023-11-25 22:20:

//$config['smtp_port'] = 587;
$config['smtp_port'] = 25;

dont use port 25 anyway from roundcube

Turns out (reply to post on RoundCube site):
The 'smtp_port' option was removed in 1.6.0 and you should not change defaults.inc.php. May be the issue is a partially updated config? From the 1.6.0 release notes:
. . .
Make sure you don't have an old 'smpt_server' option in your config.inc.php instead it should have `$config['smtp_host'] = 'localhost:25';`

bad advise with port 25 still

Noted. In this case, I feel, perhaps wrongly, it is a minor potential hazard. (Not to be seen as a challenge, please, to white or grey hats, or worse).

I repaired the config file as suggested and it works a treat.

openSUSE waiting for possible bug reports, port 25 is still not advised to use in roundcube

I submitted a bug report. I was notified it was sent to package maintainer.

its not too late to learn more ?

Question or Statement?

Some say "never too late".  A few of us strive to disprove that rule.

I will very often, when delving into "new to me" stuff, start with the simplest configurations and add "complexity" such as certificate related features later, to easy my learning pains.

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