Rupert Gallagher writes:

> I keep finding myself in a corner with a user. He uses mail extensively, which
> is fine, he has a huge archive of own professional correspondence, which is
> fine, but he uses mail folders as if they were regular system folders, with
> very long paths, and keeps renaming them and moving them around, daily,
> breaking the mail index

Tangentially query: is Dveocot smart enough to  optimize mailbox renaming
 to do index renaming (i.e. does not try to copy or recreate indices)?

> and ultimately wasting his own time looking around for
> lost mail. His Inbox holds a gargantuan of subfolders, causing both the client
> and the server to overwork each time he opens the mail. His Archive is a maze
> of subfolders with repeating names. I advised him almost daily across 20 year
> on how to stay organised, but he keeps abusing the service.

Semantically, he may be inept/disorganized/unappreciative, but I wouldn't
raise this to abuse.  However, the damages are often the same.  Maybe
the fix is not technical but social by making it clear you're done trying
to fix his mistakes and he's on his own.  Just sayin'.

> I want to help him by limiting what he can do with folders. This is the 
> agenda:
> 1. the Archive is the only place where he can create folders;

I'm guessing

> 2. folder names have a maximum length of 20 characters.

No clue here: maybe artful remapping of namespaces?

Joseph Tam <>
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