On 15/05/2024 18:27, Douglas Morse via dovecot wrote:
My apologies, a small inaccuracy:

Below where I mention .svbin files being created, I incorrectly described what 
is occurring. If the `sieve` is set to the default of users’ home directories 
etc., the file `.dovecot.svbin` is created in the user’s home directory. If 
`sieve` is set to the centralized location, then there is no `.dovecot.svbin` 
but rather a `sieve.svbin` created or updated there. Also a bit confusing.

maybe you have a sieve_default setting that is affecting this.

Am 15.05.2024 um 18:18 schrieb Douglas Morse<mo...@ikrg.com>:


Dovecot version is (9b53102964) running on fully up-to-date Debian 12 
(Bookworm) operating system.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get sieve scripts working 
correctly in a central directory location. Calling them from users’ home 
directories works fine (as described below).

(Note: This system has recently been migrated from Cyrus IMAP, so some of the 
directories for a central location are very similar to what would find in a 
standard Cyrus IMAP installation.)

If I set `sieve` to its default value of `file:~/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve` 
in `conf.d/90-sieve.conf`, sieve works as expected. I have a file 
`~/sieve/default.sieve` and, as per documentation, I make a symbolic link 
`~/.dovecot.sieve` that points to that file. The sieve script runs, and I see a 
`default.svbin` either created or updated in the ~/sieve directories as emails 

Setting `sieve` to `file:~/lib/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve` also works as 
expected. So this verifies I can change the directory where sieve scripts are 

However, if I then set `sieve` to 
 again a `default.sieve` in each of these user’s centralized `sieve` 
directories, sieve scripts silently fail to run. No messages of any kind found 
in any log files.

I don't believe that the active option can take the "file:" prefix.


So, with the same exact same configuration as one that is the default and as 
proven to working, with the single exception of changing the top-level 
directory (TLD) for the scripts, results in silent failure. Why?

What I find particularly odd is that if I keep `sieve` set to this central 
directory location (i.e., no config changes), and `mv sieve/default.sieve 
sieve.tmp; rmdir sieve; mv sieve.tmp`, that is, have a *file* called `sieve` 
where the setting `sieve` points to (which, per docs and experience, should be 
a *directory*), the users’ sieve scripts *do* run, but with a warning along the 
lines of `Warning: sieve: file storage: Explicitly specified active script path 
`file:/var/spool/dovecot/home/m/user/morse/.dovecot.sieve' is ignored; storage 
path `/var/spool/dovecot/home/m/user/morse/sieve' is not a directory`.

In the docs I see that `sieve` used to refer to a file (PidgeonHole Sieve 
v.0.31 or prior, I believe), and there is mention of a a `sieve_dir` setting 
(which I have *never* set or used). So my guess is that sieve working in this 
centralized TLD with `sieve` as a file rather than directory is due to support 
for some deprecated config / functionality.

I have fiddle around with this for some hours, including setting and not 
setting `mail_home` to the central directory location (i.e., `mail_home` in 
`conf.d/10-mail.conf` set to the same value as `sieve` in 
`conf.d/90-sieve.conf`),to no avail. No matter what I do, I cannot get sieve 
scripts to run in a centralized directory location as they do under `/home`. 
The only exception is as just described in the preceding paragraph. But the 
solution only allows a user to have a single sieve script, and I imagine 
`managesieve` will not work properly is sieve is set up as described in the 
preceding paragraph.

What am I missing or doing incorrectly?

Any and all assistance most appreciated.


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