On 21 Oct 07, at 9:02 AM 21 Oct 07, Vincent Massol wrote:


The APT and Confluence parsers behave differently when parsing lists.

The APT parser generates paragraph()/paragraph_() events for each list item whereas the Confluence parser doesn't.

So my questions are:

1) Who's right? This is very important since a Sink will output different results if the parsers behave differently

The APT parser came first and is the canonical parser and it came from the Pixware folks. I would use it as your rule of thumb.

2) How do we ensure parsers are correct in the events they send?

I would say parsing a document to an in memory model of a Sink and then validate that.

For 2), we should probably have an abstract test case similar to what is done in AbstractSinkTest for Sinks.

For 1) I've checked and it seems TWiki also doens't output paragraph () events for list items.

So is the AptParser wrong?

No, I don't think so. The confluence and twiki were done together, but the APT parser came first and was originally written by the first author of the framework. So I would say the APT parser is right.




Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

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