Hi Benjamin and Paul,

According your comments, I created a new module doxia-test-docs which
includes svn copy on several documents. I also updated tests to fetch
these changes.
Any comments are welcome!



2008/12/8 Benjamin Bentmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Vincent Siveton wrote:
>> The tests are to perform XSD validations under our current
>> documentation. Since we add new XSD files in this release, I think
>> these tests are useful.
> No doubt, tests are useful but I feel we mix two different test targets
> here:
> a) correctness of the XSDs
> b) correctness of the currently available Maven documentation
> IMHO, only point a) should be a concern of Doxia, the rest is just outside
> world. The day we have a validating Doxia under the hood of the Site Plugin
> and it detects errors in our docs, we can simply fix them when be try to
> build the corresponding site, not when building Doxia.
>> Instead of svn co, we could link to relative doc path, ie from
>> doxia-module-fml using ../../../plugins/maven-ant-plugin/src/site
> -1 on hard-coding inter-module or even worse inter-project paths. This
> introduces tight coupling where none should be. Imagine a contributor to
> Doxia who wants to try out patching it would end up checking out Maven
> plugins to test Doxia.
> Also, both "svn co" and the relative path to a local checkout make the idea
> of a reproducible build unreachable, as Paul already pointed out.
> To realize test target a), it is surely a nice idea to just grab samples of
> existing and presumable good docs and check whether the validator doesn't
> freak out. To do so, how about if we just collect all the doc files of
> interest from the Maven/plugin sites and copy them to a new Doxia module
> (doxia-test-docs or whatever). This module would mimic a "svn co" of a
> locked SVN revision and is also under Doxia control, i.e. one could also
> create artifical input documents to check more complex syntax structures
> that are currently not in use on the Maven sites. The other Doxia modules
> like XDoc etc. could depend on this test module and extract the input files
> from the test class path or from local file system after unpacking with the
> Dependency Plugin. Wouldn't that work?
> Benjamin

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