The project doxia-test-docs should contain the documents and the document should be maintained in the projects source repository so they can be release by the project, i.e. mvn release... The version of this project should change whenever the source documents change, i.e when you need to reload them from the "svn copy", and their is a doxia release. The tests using doxia-test-docs may need to extract the documents from the doxia-test-doc artifact/jar, for which their are maven tools to do the unpacking.

Keep in mind, one of the reasons for Maven is enable any user at any time the ability to successfully rebuild the project.

Paul Spencer

On Dec 10, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Vincent Siveton wrote:

Hi Benjamin and Paul,

According your comments, I created a new module doxia-test-docs which
includes svn copy on several documents. I also updated tests to fetch
these changes.
Any comments are welcome!



2008/12/8 Benjamin Bentmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Vincent Siveton wrote:

The tests are to perform XSD validations under our current
documentation. Since we add new XSD files in this release, I think
these tests are useful.

No doubt, tests are useful but I feel we mix two different test targets

a) correctness of the XSDs
b) correctness of the currently available Maven documentation

IMHO, only point a) should be a concern of Doxia, the rest is just outside world. The day we have a validating Doxia under the hood of the Site Plugin and it detects errors in our docs, we can simply fix them when be try to
build the corresponding site, not when building Doxia.

Instead of svn co, we could link to relative doc path, ie from
doxia-module-fml using ../../../plugins/maven-ant-plugin/src/site

-1 on hard-coding inter-module or even worse inter-project paths. This introduces tight coupling where none should be. Imagine a contributor to Doxia who wants to try out patching it would end up checking out Maven
plugins to test Doxia.

Also, both "svn co" and the relative path to a local checkout make the idea
of a reproducible build unreachable, as Paul already pointed out.

To realize test target a), it is surely a nice idea to just grab samples of existing and presumable good docs and check whether the validator doesn't freak out. To do so, how about if we just collect all the doc files of interest from the Maven/plugin sites and copy them to a new Doxia module (doxia-test-docs or whatever). This module would mimic a "svn co" of a locked SVN revision and is also under Doxia control, i.e. one could also create artifical input documents to check more complex syntax structures that are currently not in use on the Maven sites. The other Doxia modules like XDoc etc. could depend on this test module and extract the input files from the test class path or from local file system after unpacking with the
Dependency Plugin. Wouldn't that work?


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