just run 'mvn site' in your parent project.

Your questions are really about using the site plugin, you will probably get more extensive help (if needed) on the maven user list (us...@m.a.o).


Bernhard Grünewaldt wrote:

I have one other big question.

How can I generate a multi project setup, so that
every project uses the same css and images and builds as one website.

My Projects for example are:


Where nanji-documentation should be the parent
and all other projects should be children.

Then the sites generated by mvn site should
look like this:

/ --> contents of nanji-documenation
/nanji-core/ --> contents of nanji-core
/nanji-javafx/ --> contents of nanji-javafx

Is that somehow possible?
Can you give examples of an opensource project that uses that kind of



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