At 18:57 27/07/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>I got a slightly different variant of the error message, then another
>telling me the DQSD helper DLL was out of date, then another telling me the
>web page I was vieing wanted to close the window, and asking me for
>permission to do so.  When I said yes, DQSD went away.  Reloading it
>produced the variant dialog box again, saying "There was a problem
>initializing the enhanced keyboard support - some key combinations and hot
>keys may not work (Error "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property

This last error is consistent with versioning problems (i.e. the scripts 
don't match the DLL version.

>Popping up the calendar yielded the default Yahoo calendar.

Well, the default calender as far as I know is nothing to do with Yahoo.

I think you have a broken installation (probably the fault of the installer 
rather than you...)

Could you try removing everything in the DQSD installation directory 
(you'll need to shut DQSD and log off/on to be able to do this.   Then 
reinstall from the latest beta.


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