At 08:21 05/01/2004 -0600, you wrote:

There have been issues in the past with the slow behavior of the calendar..
Its a lot of JS to load..  There was even talk of splitting the calendar out
into its own add-in to not force the extra startup delay on people who are
not interested in running it... The calendar has been blamed a bit on the
slow startup (and hence disappearing tray icons) of the toolbar.. Someone
(sorry I dont remember who) did a ton of work on it to greatly improve its

It was me, though it wasn't a ton, or even a tonne, of work, really. I did do a great deal of work on the 'about' box performance, but that's been lost in the huge increase in the number of searches.

Sorry to be negative.. This is all IMO of course.. FWIW..

I agree entirely - DQSD has already bloated to the point where bits of it (for example the menu) are now unusable, even to people running on fairly serious workstations.

Personally, I don't think anybody should add anything which slows it down any further, unless they can do a matching amount of optimisation work to go with it.

Unless DQSD is lightning-fast, it loses much of its original intent.

I'm not trying to pick a fight here - indeed, I'm personally responsible for one of the worst bits of usability - the vast, non-delayed tooltips which flash up immediately one runs up the menu. Yuk. But I don't feel like fixing this bug, as it might take me half a day which I don't have to spare.


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