I saw the yy function, I'd like to do somthing similar without allowing the password to be seen.  Maybe it's not possible, but I appriciate any help.


-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi Ryan,
> > I'd like to write a search that will allow you to login
> > to password protected sites (email, banking). Problem
> > is, I can't seem to figure out how to make a password-type
> > input and pull that information into the form. I posted
> > a first attempt below, would anyone care to give me ideas?
> Look at the yy.xml search that I committed several months ago. It does
> what you're looking for, and also provides 'aliasing' to make it
> possible to handle several logins using stored parameters as variables
> in the format:
> yy myvar
> ...where "myvar" is a variable assigned to an array of parameters that
> would otherwise be passed to the yy search. Anyway... it's a good
> sample of what you're looking for.
> Also, remove this section if you want to be able to run the search
> without passing a parameter:
> if( nullArgs("l",email) )
> return false;
> Regards,
> Shawn K. Hall
> http://ReliableAnswers.com/
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