Hi Ryan,

> I saw the yy function, I'd like to do somthing similar
> without allowing the password to be seen.  Maybe it's
> not possible, but I appriciate any help.

Are you sure you looked at the code? It basically lets you setup
either an alias or an array variable in localprefs.js and pass those
in either using the alias name or the variable name. Here's an example
of my localprefs.js file:

'// ========================================================

//yy.xml   yyid = Array( "username", "password" );
var yyg  = Array( "myyahooid", "whatever",
"http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups"; );
var yyy  = Array( "myyahooid", "whatever" );
var ybc  = Array( "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "whatever" );
var yyid = ybc;

'// ========================================================

Now if I type into dqsd ONLY:
...it will log me in using my "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" YahooID and take
me to the 'default' Yahoo page (My Yahoo!).

If I use:
  yy yyg
...I get logged into my "myyahooid" ID and bounce to the MyGroups page
on YahooGroups.

And I also have an alias setup in localaliases.txt that looks like
  yg|yy yyg

Which logs me in using the YahooGroups "MyGroups" config the same as
if I had typed out the "yy yyg" trigger.

None of these would display the password in DQSD, the DQSD history, or
anywhere else BUT they do have the password stored in clear text in
the install directory in the localprefs.js file. This could be
minimized by encryption, but could not be eliminated unless you
resorted to using a third-party service to store your passwords, since
the password itself must be decryptable in order to submit it to those
remote sites requiring the actual password.


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
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