I have the latest version of DSQD available from the site.
I am running XP PRO (SP2) with IE 6.)

After (re)installing the latest version of DSQD, I right clicked on the task bar and selected “Quick Search”. I immediately received a warning from IE security that I was about to launch a “restricted file” to which I responded by clicking on “Allow Blocked content” – which I have had to do ever since installing SP2. However, DQSD has always WORKED up to this point!

Now, I also receive a second warning message:
“Unable to instantiate DQSDTools.launcher: Automation server can’t create object.”

After clicking on “OK” (the only choice), I receive the following message:
”The DQSD helper DLL is not correctly installed.”

THEN, I receive another warning:
The Web Page you are viewing is trying to close the window.
Do you want to close this window?

If I choose “Yes”, the DQSD bar appears, but is inaccessible.

If I choose “NO”, I receive the following warning…
“There was a problem initializing the enhanced keyboard support – some key combination and hot keys may not work (Error ‘Automation server can’t create object’)”

The only choice is “OK”, which I click.

The tool bas is accessible, but, the hot key is not responsive, and, when I type text into the tool bar, I receive the following message:
An error ([object error]/Object expected) occurred while trying to run the search “gg”
to which I respond with “OK”.

Then, nothing happens. The tool bar sits there, useless, and no search appears. If I right click in the tool bar, I receive a “Script error” message (“OK”)

I use DQSD many times a day…maybe dozens of time a day. I REALLY miss it! Any idea what’s going on? HELP!

Chuck in Taiwan




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