----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn K. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [DQSD-Users] Failed to parse
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 16:29:05 -0800

> Hi Don,
> > ...scipt error that comes up at startup. 
> > Internet Explorer Script Error
> > line 262
> > char. 7
> > unspecified error
> > File //C:\Program Files\Quick Search Desktop\search.htm
> > The opinion here was that it is a Firefox problem and
> > the next version would fix it. Well I have gone through
> > several versions of Firefox and still have the box at
> > startup. How do I get rid of it?
> This is not necessarily a Firefox error - it could be literally
> anything. What we need you to do to be able to debug it is see the
> RESULTANT source of the DQSD page. You can get this by typing the
> following into DQSD, then pasting what it puts on your clipboard
> into Notepad, take the first 300 or so lines and paste them into a
> message here. Since it doesn't return the exact code as is produced
> automagically by DQSD the line number isn't accurate, but looking at
> the first 300 lines (overkill as it is) will give us at least what
> we need to be able to debug it.
> Here's the code to put into DQSD:
>   vbsx :document.body.outerHTML
> This assumes that you have the "vbsx" search installed and enabled.
> If you do not it won't work.
> Regards,
> Shawn K. Hall
> http://ReliableAnswers.com/
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You assume I have "vbsx" search installed and by that you also assume I know what that 
is. I am sorry but you have a computer dummy here and are way over my head. But thanks 
for the try.
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